December 12, 2023
Design / Ideas
Artemis Technologies


A rtemis faced the challenge of managing after-sales communication with customers across multiple channels. This manual approach was inefficient, time-consuming, and prone to errors. It also made it difficult for customers to track the status of their support tickets, defects, and warranty claims.



To address these challenges, Cranmore will develop a central space to facilitate and manage all after-sales communication powered by Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM, and a portal facing the client with the following features:

  • Intuitive and professional user interface: Customers can easily manage their fleet and online after-sales services through a modern and user-friendly interface.
  • Backend management system: The backend management system enables Artemis to efficiently manage support tickets, defects, and warranty claims.
  • Integration with existing systems: The solution is integrated with Artemis’ existing systems, ensuring seamless data flow and efficient case management.

Solution / Benefits

  • Improved customer experience: The central space provides a single point of contact for customers to manage all their after-sales needs. This streamlined approach has improved customer satisfaction and reduced the time it takes to resolve issues.
  • Increased efficiency: The backend management system automates manual tasks and streamlines workflows, freeing up Artemis’ support team to focus on more complex cases.
  • Enhanced visibility and control: Artemis now has real-time visibility into all after-sales cases, enabling them to identify trends and areas for improvement. This has helped Artemis to optimize their support processes and deliver better service to customers.