
Northern Ireland Electricity Networks (NIE), the electricity distribution network operator in Northern Ireland, faced the challenge of managing their timesheets using paper-based systems, which were cumbersome, error-prone, and inefficient. This manual approach resulted in several drawbacks:

  • Manual Data Entry: Staff spent considerable time manually entering timesheet data, leading to increased administrative workload and reduced productivity.
  • Error Propagation: Manual data entry increased the risk of errors, potentially affecting payroll accuracy and compliance.
  • Inadequate Data Visibility: The lack of centralized data management made it difficult for NIE to gain insights into staff timekeeping patterns and identify areas for improvement.
January 10, 2020
Design / Development
NI Electricity Networks


NIE partnered with Cranmore and ATOS to develop a comprehensive digital solution, the Timesheets Portal & Mobile Application, to replace the paper-based system and streamline timesheet management. The solution adopted a hybrid agile/waterfall approach, combining the flexibility of agile development with the structure of waterfall methodologies.

Key Features:

  • Intuitive and User-Friendly App and Portal: The app and portal were designed with ease of use in mind, providing a modern and user-friendly interface for staff and managers.
  • Automated Data Population: The system automatically populates timesheets with data from other systems, reducing the need for manual data entry and minimizing errors.
  • Receipt Attaching and Expense Claim: Staff can seamlessly attach receipts and claim for meal expenses directly within the timesheet, eliminating the need for separate processes.
  • Timesheet Copying and Pasting: The ability to copy and paste timesheet entries from one day to another saves time and effort for similar tasks.

Solution / Benefits

  • Enhanced Efficiency: The digital solution has significantly improved efficiency, reducing the time and effort required for timesheet management. Managers can now efficiently review and approve timesheets, while staff can quickly and accurately enter their timesheets.
  • Reduced Errors and Improved Data Accuracy: The automated data population and data validation mechanisms have minimized errors, ensuring data accuracy and compliance.
  • Improved Data Visibility: The centralized data management and analytics capabilities provide NIE with real-time insights into staff timekeeping patterns, enabling informed decision-making and potential process optimization.